Artificial intelligence, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech
American R&D corporation
Robocentric is an American R&D (Research and Development) corporation founded and managed by Allen Young, a transhumanistic Asian-American man, for focusing on advancing artificial intelligence, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactor powered outer space tech.
Removing Humanity’s Limitations
Through advancing science, technology, and capitalism, Robocentric aims to remove humanity’s present limitations, which are namely human intelligence limitation, human manual labor limitation, human lifespan limitation, and humanity being confined to Earth.
Pre-Product Startup Phase
Currently, Robocentric is working on completing and commercializing its visual AI and robotics software technologies.
Robocentric Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Robocentric pursues developing and marketing its own ubiquitous and pervasive AI and robotics technologies for increasing the production and consumption in the industrialized nations on Earth and in outer space.
Intelligent Computers and Super-Capable Robots
Unfortunately, today’s computers are dumb and robots are incapable.
Humanity needs intelligent computers and super-capable robots that Robocentric aims to bring, that serve humans in amazing, phenomenal, and wonderful ways.
Universal Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Robocentric’s vision in artificial intelligence and robotics is artificial intelligence and robotics being used in every human endeavor.
Robocentric is currently working on completing and launching its first artificial intelligence and robotics software products. Robocentric plans to develop and launch its first robot hardware product(s) after launching its initial AI and robotics software products.
Robocentric Biotech
Robocentric pursues human longevity biotech for enabling humans to live longer, healthier, more youthful, and more beautiful human lives.
Robocentric aims to eradicate the incurable diseases, aging, and limited lifespan on the human body.
Human Brain Research
Robocentric performs experimental human-brain research for advancing artificial intelligence, neurotech, and natural and artificial human brain manufacturing biotech.
Human Body Manufacturing Biotech
Robocentric Biotech’s mission is to make incurable diseases, disabilities, and damages on the human body, and unwanted human aging and death, obsolete, via advancing human body parts and whole human body manufacturing and replacement biotech.
Human-Body Aging Research
Robocentric performs telomere, telomerase, and human-body aging prevention and reversal research for anti-aging human body biotech development and cancer research.
Robocentric biotech is in its early research phase, with no time frame for launching its first biotech product(s).
Robocentric Outer-Space Tech
Robocentric pursues artificial nuclear-fusion powered mass scale outer space humanity expansion tech for enabling humanity to massively expand beyond Earth.
“Humanity should not be stuck on Earth forever: Massive expansion into outer space is humanity’s destiny.” — Allen Young, Robocentric CEO, the transhumanistic Asian-American man
Nuclear-Fusion Reactor
Nuclear fusion produces 11 million times more energy than chemical reactions such as fossil fuel burning and combustion, for the same mass of fuel.
Without nuclear-fusion powered interplanetary spaceships, humanity cannot massively expand into outer space.
Robocentric sees nuclear fusion as the future of humanity’s energy supply, and researches artificial nuclear-fusion reactor technology to make it viable.
Nuclear-Fusion Spaceship
Robocentric’s chief aim in outer-space tech is enabling interplanetary mass-scale outer space humanity expansion in the Solar System, via developing and commercializing its own nuclear-fusion reactor powered constant-acceleration interplanetery spaceships and other outer-space technologies.
Robocentric researches and develops nuclear-fusion reactor powered constant-acceleration interplanetary spaceship propulsion and human-life-support technologies.
Outer-Space Human Habitat Technologies
Robocentric researches and develops nuclear-fusion reactor powered mass-scale outer space mining, manufacturing, construction, and human-habitat technologies.
Robocentric’s vision in outer-space tech is enabling humans to be on or above every planet, in every solar system, and in every galaxy in the entire Universe—through advancing interplanetary, interstellar, and intergalactic outer-space technologies.
Robocentric currently researches and develops nuclear-fusion reactor powered interplanetary mass-scale outer space humanity expansion technologies.
Robocentric Outer Space Tech is currently in its early research phase in nuclear-fusion tech development, with no time frame for launching its first product(s) in artificial nuclear-fusion hardware.
Read The Future

To learn more about Robocentric’s plan for advancing artificial intelligence, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered mass scale outer space tech, read The Future, available in Transhumanism Plans sold by Robocentric.