Robocentric Science and Technology Research Projects

Robocentric artificial intelligence and robotics research projects

(With professional journal articles writing and publication)
(All done in Las Vegas Robocentric hardware development center)

Robocentric biotech research projects

  • Microscopic 3D tissue scanner, for industrial, farming, and medical uses
  • Cell and tissue stainers
  • Biosensors
  • Modeler and designer biotech
  • Synthesizer biotech (non-pathogenic DNA segment or strain synthesizer, chromosome synthesizer, genome synthesizer, cell synthesizer, microbiome synthesizer, tissue synthesizer, organ synthesizer, whole biological body synthesizer; eventually, Allen Young’s new body creation with his genome and brain content; human body part manufacturing and replacement videos production and publication on social media, with eventual video on Allen Young new body creation.)

(With professional journal articles writing and publication)
(All done in Las Vegas Robocentric hardware development center)

Robocentric outer-space tech research projects

  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered electricity generator development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered constant-acceleration spaceship propulsion system development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered pollutants remover development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered constant-acceleration spaceship human life support system development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered interplanetary mass communications system development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered outer-space mining, farming, manufacturing, and construction systems development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered mass-scale outer space human habitat technologies development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered Venus terraforming technology development
  • Commercially viable nuclear-fusion reactor powered bionic human suit development
  • Commercially viable neurotechnological human brain interface and neurotechnological virtual reality tech development
  • Commercially viable faster-than-light-speed outer space transportation tech development

Robocentric Unified Humanity Science research

  • Categorized human behavioral patterns identification and mapping in the human brain for the human social, economic, sexual, political, competitive, collaborative, creative, and procreative human behavior dimensions
  • How phenotypic and behavioral genetic variation and diversification happens at quantum level during procreative chromosomes combination
  • Genetic and cerebral causes of the human behavior